4 Best Long Head Tricep Exercises For Bigger Arms | Fitbyus

If you want to build stronger and more defined arms then you should also focus on triceps exercises instead of focusing only biceps. The long head tricep is one of the three muscles that make up the triceps and by practicing for long head triceps, you can build stronger arms. Long head tricep exercises increase the strength of arms which also helpful in weightlifting.

long head tricep exercises

By working the triceps of the long head, you can get the more defined triceps and arms that you may be aiming for. So, in this article, we will read about the 4 best long head tricep exercises that will help you build bigger and stronger arms.

4 Best Long Head Tricep Exercises

Overhead Tricep Extension

A well-known exercise that works the long head of the triceps is the overhead tricep extension. Start by standing or sitting with a dumbbell in each hand to begin this exercise. Keep your elbows close to your ears as you raise the dumbbell above your head. Slowly drop the dumbbell behind your head while bending your elbows. Raise the dumbbell to the beginning position once you feel a stretch in your triceps.

The overhead tricep extension is a compound exercise that works the triceps, shoulders, and upper back among other muscular groups. You can increase your strength and muscle mass by training these muscles.

Watch the Below Video to know how to perform a overhead dumbbell tricep extension Correctly! 

Close-Grip Bench Press

Targeting the long head of the triceps is made easy with the close-grip bench press. Lay on a level bench with your hands about shoulder-width apart to begin this exercise. Lower the barbell to your chest, then raise it to the starting position. Keep your elbows close to your body the entire time to properly target the long head of the triceps.

The Close-Grip Bench Press is a great exercise for working the triceps, as already mentioned. In comparison to the conventional bench press, the close grip places greater attention on the triceps, making it a useful exercise for developing bigger, stronger triceps.

Watch the Below video from 0:30 minutes and know how to perform a Close-Grip Bench Press Correctly!

Skull Crusher

The skull crusher is a traditional triceps workout that concentrates on the muscle's lengthy head. Lay on a flat bench and hold a barbell or dumbbells in your hands to complete this exercise. Keeping your elbows close to your head, lower the weight until it is resting on your forehead. Reposition the weight to its initial position after that.

long head tricep exercises

The triceps are the specific muscle group that the skull crusher targets, helping to increase their size and strength. The skull crusher is an excellent exercise for beginners or those new to strength training because it is reasonably straightforward to carry out.

Tricep Pushdown

The tricep pushdown is a fantastic isolated workout that works the triceps' lengthy head. To do this exercise, stand facing a cable machine that has a rope or bar attached to it. Using an overhand hold, grab the rope or bar and press it down towards your thighs while maintaining your elbows close to your body. After that, gradually raise the weight back to its initial position.

The tricep pushdown is a fantastic workout for developing triceps strength. This exercise serves to improve performance in other exercises that need tricep strength, such as push-ups and bench presses, by focusing on the lateral and medial heads of the muscle.


In Conclusion, you should know that to build bigger arms you need to focus on the triceps. Long head tricep exercises are the best way to workout for the triceps and the 4 exercises we discuss in this article are the best for that. By adding these exercises to your workout routine, you can build stronger and bigger arms. It is also important to perform these exercises carefully to avoid injuries.


Q1: How many reps and sets should I do for each exercise?

We recommend you perform 3 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps of each exercise.

Q2: Can I do these exercises at home?

Yes, most exercises can be done at home with the minimum amount of equipment.

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