Push Ups for Upper Chest: 4 Variations of Push Ups

Push-ups are a classic and most effective exercise for building upper chest. Many Peoples are already familiar with Push-ups. But did you know that Push-ups build your Upper chest and gave it a muscular shape? In this article, we'll tell you best push ups for upper chest and different variations of push ups.

push ups for upper chest

Push-ups are a compound exercise because they primarily target the chest but also the shoulders, triceps, and core. Different Variations of Push-ups target different areas of the upper chest. These variations of push-ups that we will tell you about in this article will enhance your push-up game.

Push Ups for Upper Chest

You should be focused on form and technique to perform push ups for upper chest. Your elbows should be tucked in during these exercises and your body should be in a straight line. And your core should be engaged when you perform these. Read about wide shoulders workout.

1. Decline Push Up

Decline push-ups are a challenging variation of traditional push-ups. They target the upper chest and shoulders of the body. Elevate your feet on a bench, box, or another sturdy surface to perform a decline push up. Decline push-ups are a great way to increase the difficulty of push-ups workout.

You should start with a lower surface (like a step) and gradually increase the height of the level. Doing decline push-ups also help to improve your posture.

2. Incline Push Up

Incline push-ups are another variation that targets the upper chest. You'll need a bench, a chair, or another raised surface to perform incline push-ups. Your hands should be on the surface and your feet on the ground.

incline push ups

Incline Push-Ups primarily target the chest, shoulders, triceps, and also core for stability. These are used as a warmup before an upper body workout. You can gradually increase the height as you become strong.

3. Wide Grip Push Ups for Upper Chest

Wide Grip Push Ups are also a great exercise to target upper chest muscles. Start in a plank position with your hands placed wider than shoulder-width apart to perform wide grip push ups for upper chest. You can elevate your feet or place your hands on an unstable surface such as a stability ball to increase the difficulty level of wide grip push-ups.

Maintain a proper form and keep engaging the core. This can help in building a stronger chest. It is also very beneficial for shoulders and improves shoulders strength.

4. Diamond Push Ups

Diamond push-ups are a variation of traditional push-ups that specifically target the upper chest muscles of the body. Place the hands close together and make a diamond shape by touching the tombs and index fingers to perform it.

Keep elbows close to the body while performing diamond push-ups because it increases the activation of the upper chest muscles. If you are a beginner then you can modify diamond push-ups by performing them on your knees instead of your toes.

Diamond Push-ups are a good alternative to bench press exercises which you can do anywhere and without any equipment. But it is also important to maintain a proper shape to avoid injury.


Push-ups are a convenient exercise for building body strength, especially in the upper chest. Remember that form is key while doing any exercise including push-ups you should maintain proper form to avoid injury and for good results. By incorporating these variations of push-ups in your workout routine you can achieve your upper chest goals.


Ques1: how many push ups a day?

The number of push-ups depends on fitness level but good is 3 sets of 10-15 push-ups per day but you can increase gradually.

Ques2: What happens if I do 100 push ups a day? 

Doing 100 push-ups a day increases your upper body strength but it is also important to do various exercises and take rest.

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