Calisthenics Bicep Workout: Build Strong Arms Without Weight

The form of exercise that utilizes your bodyweight to build strength and endurance is the Calisthenics workout also known as bodyweight training. There are many benefits of calisthenics, one is that there is no need for weights or equipment to get a great workout. In this article, we will cover the calisthenics bicep workouts that can help you in building strong and defined arms.
calisthenics bicep workout

Calisthenics Bicep Workout

  1. Warm-up
  2. Chin-ups
  3. Diamond push-ups
  4. Dips
Here's the defined list of calisthenics bicep workouts that you can perform without any weight and achieve your biceps goals.


Warming up your muscles is crucial before beginning any exercise to avoid damage. Arm circles and wrist rotations are easy biceps warm-up exercises. The blood flow to the muscles is increased during warm-up exercises, supplying the working muscles with oxygen and nutrients. This can enhance muscular performance while lowering the chance of damage.

For 30 seconds, rotate your arms in small circles forward and then backward as you stand with your arms at your sides. Next, perform wrist rotations by moving your wrists in opposite directions for 30 seconds each. Warm-ups improve your performance and enhance your overall workout experience.


A traditional workout that works your biceps, back, and shoulders are chin-ups. Grab a pull-up bar with an underhand hold, hang it with your arms fully extended, and complete a chin-up. Then, return to the starting position by pulling your body up towards the bar until your chin is above it. Aim for 8–12 reps throughout the three sets.

chin up

Chin-ups are especially good for working the biceps muscles. You may strengthen and enlarge your biceps by performing chin-ups with perfect form and control. You may strengthen your upper body and bulk up your muscles by doing chin-ups frequently.

Diamond Push-ups

A fantastic alternative to the standard push-up that puts more of an emphasis on your triceps and biceps is diamond push-ups. You may strengthen and enlarge your biceps by executing controlled and perfect diamond push-ups.

Start in a plank posture with your hands close together under your chest. Then, to complete a diamond push-up, use your thumbs and index fingers to make a diamond shape. Keep your elbows close to your body as you squat down toward the earth. Pushing up will bring you back to the starting position. It is best to perform three sets of 12–15 reps.

Check out this video to know how to perform a diamond push-up properly!


Your triceps and biceps will benefit from the difficult exercise known as dips. With your feet off the ground and your arms fully extended, hold onto two parallel bars to conduct a dip. Keep your elbows close to your body as you squat down toward the earth. Pushing up will bring you back to the starting position. Aim for 8–12 reps throughout the three sets.

Dips focus the biceps muscles even more because you must sustain your body weight with your arms. Dips, when done correctly and under supervision, can strengthen and enlarge the biceps.


These calisthenics bicep workouts can help you in building strong and defined arms without equipment and without using weight. By adding exercises such as chin-ups, and diamond push-ups into your workout routine, you can effectively target your biceps and help you in achieving biceps goals.

Before starting any workout remember to warm up your body properly that gradually increase the intensity of your exercises as your strength and endurance improve. With dedication and consistency, you can build strong and defined arms.


Q: Can you build big biceps with calisthenics?

Yes! While weights are often associated with building big biceps, calisthenics can be just as effective if performed correctly.

Q: How often should I do calisthenics bicep workouts? 
As with any workout routine, the frequency of your calisthenics bicep workouts will depend on your fitness level and goals.

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