Biceps Tendonitis Exercises - Heal and Strengthen Your Biceps

A common injury that affects the tendons (that connect the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint) is bicep tendonitis also known as bicipital tendonitis. A common injury that affects the tendons (that connect the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint) is bicep tendonitis also known as bicipital tendonitis. Biceps tendonitis exercises can heal and strengthen your biceps.

biceps tendonitis exercises

Persons like athletes, weightlifters, and individuals who perform repetitive overhead activities can affect by this injury. It can cause pain and weakness in the arm and which can create difficulty in performing tasks of everyday. In this article, we will discuss the best biceps tendonitis exercises that can help heal and strengthen your biceps.

Best Biceps Tendonitis Exercises

1. Eccentric Bicep Curls

Biceps tendonitis can be treated with eccentric bicep curls, which are terrific exercises. Eccentric bicep curls can also be helpful for those who have biceps tendonitis because they aid in the promotion of healing and the reduction of pain.

Hold a dumbbell in one hand, palm facing up, and begin the workout. Lift the weight up swiftly for a count of one second after three slow seconds of lowering it. Switch arms after 10 to 12 repetitions.

Watch this Below Video to know how to perform eccentric bicep curls properly!

2. Hammer Curls

Another useful exercise for treating biceps tendonitis is the hammer curl. Hammer curls exercise the biceps in a special way that contributes to biceps strength and power gains. A well-defined and physically beautiful biceps muscle can be developed with hammer curls, which can enhance overall appearance and confidence.

Make sure that the palms of your hands are facing your body when carrying a dumbbell in each hand. As you curl the weights up towards your shoulders, keep your elbows tight to your sides. Lift the weights again and repeat 10 to 12 times.

3. Resistance Band Curls

Curls using a resistance band are a terrific technique to build up your biceps without overworking the tendon. Curls with a resistance band put pressure on the bicep muscle, which over time strengthens it. Your total physical performance may be enhanced as a result, making it simpler to move large objects or engage in other physical activities.

Hold the other end of the resistance band with your palms facing up. Secure the band under your feet. The band should be curled up towards your shoulders before being carefully brought back down. It is recommended to perform 10-12 repetitions.

4. Isometric Bicep Holds

The biceps muscle can get stronger and more stable using isometric bicep holds. Isometric bicep holds can also help your biceps look more defined. Your biceps can be worked in a variety of ways with this workout, helping to define their contours and give them a more appealing appearance.

Hold a dumbbell in one hand and curl it up towards your shoulder to do this exercise. For 10 to 15 seconds, hold the weight in the up position before lowering it again. After five to six repetitions, swap arms.

biceps tendonitis exercises

5. Shoulder External Rotation

Shoulder external rotation exercises can aid in rotator cuff muscular strength, which can aid in averting biceps tendonitis. For general health and well-being, good posture is important. Exercises for shoulder external rotation can aid with posture by building up the muscles that support the shoulder joint.

Lay on your side with your affected arm on top to conduct this exercise. Keep your elbow close to your body while bending it to a 90-degree angle. Rotate your arm forth before bringing it back in. Replace sides after 10 to 12 repetitions.


Bicep tendonitis injury can be painful and frustrating but with biceps tendonitis exercises and care you can heal and strengthen your biceps. Add these exercises into your workout routine with rest and proper recovery. Consult a healthcare professional for help if your symptoms intensify or continue to persist. With Consistency and patience, you can overcome biceps tendonitis and get your active lifestyle back.


Q: Can biceps tendonitis heal on its own?

With proper care and rest mild cases of biceps tendonitis can heal on their own. However, in some severe cases, medical intervention may require.

Q: What causes biceps tendonitis?

Due to overuse, injury, or age-related degeneration biceps tendonitis can be caused.

Q: How long does it take to recover from biceps tendonitis?

The time of recovery for biceps tendonitis depends on the severity of the injury. A few weeks may be taken to heal in mild cases, while months may be taken for severe cases.

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