Best Diet Plan for Weight Gain in 7 Days | Fitbyus

Some people find it difficult to gain weight, whereas the majority of people find it difficult to lose weight. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for avoiding potential health issues because being underweight can be just as dangerous as being overweight. Following a suitable diet plan that prioritizes nutrient-dense foods is essential if you want to gain weight in a healthy way. In this article, we'll explain the best diet plan for weight gain in 7 days along with the things you should eat and stay away from. We'll also address some often-asked issues about weight gain and offer advice for a successful weight increase journey.

diet plan for weight gain in 7 days

Best Diet Plan for Weight Gain in 7 Days

Day 1:

Breakfast: Banana, Honey, and Milk Over Oats.

Greek Yogurt with Granola and a Variety of Fruit.

Lunch: Roasted Veggies and Brown Rice with Grilled Chicken Breast.

Snack: Pieces of Apple with Almond Butter.

Dinner: Steamed Broccoli and Sweet Potato with Baked Fish.

Day 2:

Breakfast: Spinach-filled scrambled eggs on whole grain bread.

Snack: A milk, banana, and peanut butter smoothie.

Lunch: Sliced avocado and tuna salad with whole-grain crackers.

Snack: Nuts and dried fruits in a trail mix.

Dinner: Brown rice and mixed vegetables with beef in a stir-fry.

Day 3:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt combined with honey, chia seeds, and banana slices.

Snack: A bar of protein.

Lunch: Served with a side of whole-grain bread is lentil soup.

Snack: Little carrots and hummus.

Dinner: Roasted veggies and quinoa with grilled chicken thighs.

Day 4:

Breakfast: Whole-grain bread and cottage cheese with pineapple chunks.

Snack: Dried fruit with mixed nuts.

Lunch: On whole-grain bread, a turkey sandwich with avocado, lettuce, and tomato is served.

Snack: A milk, Greek yogurt, and mixed berries smoothie.

Dinner: Brown rice and mixed vegetables with baked salmon.

Day 5:

Breakfast: Mixed vegetables, whole-grain bread, and scrambled eggs.

Snack: A protein smoothie made with milk, banana, and peanut butter.

Lunch: Greek yogurt, black beans, salsa, and baked sweet potatoes.

Snack: Pieces of apple with almond butter.

Dinner: Brown rice and grilled chicken breast with assorted veggies.

Day 6:

Breakfast: Almond milk and banana slices in your oatmeal.

Snack: Greek yogurt with granola and a variety of fruit.

Lunch: Grilled chicken, tomato sauce, and whole-grain pasta.

Snack: A bar of protein.

Dinner: Quinoa and mixed vegetables with beef in a stir-fry.

Day 7:

Breakfast: Greek yogurt with honey and peach slices.

Snack: Nuts and dried fruit are added to trail mix.

Lunch: Quinoa and mixed greens with grilled chicken breast.

Snack: A milk, Greek yogurt, and mixed berries smoothie.

Dinner: Steamed broccoli and sweet potato with baked fish.

diet plan for weight gain in 7 days

Foods to Avoid

  • Processed Foods
  • Fast food
  • Fried foods
  • Sugary drinks and snacks
  • High-fat dairy products

Tips for Successful Weight Gain

  • Attempt to eat three meals and three snacks daily.
  • Increase your serving sizes at meals to consume more calories by adding one or two more servings.
  • Be sure to eat a variety of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein-rich foods. Concentrate on nutrient-dense foods.
  • Include resistance training: Resistance training can aid in weight gain and muscle development.
  • Keep hydrated: Water consumption is important for overall health and can help people gain weight.


It can be difficult to gain weight, but it's crucial to do it in a healthy manner. You can safely gain weight by sticking to a diet plan that emphasizes nutrient-dense foods and incorporating exercise. Always be consistent, drink enough water, and pay attention to your body's demands. You can accomplish your goal weight and enhance your general health with commitment and persistence. Your adventure to acquire weight doesn't end with The Best Diet Plan for Weight Gain in 7 Days.


Ques1: Can I gain weight by eating junk food?

Despite having a lot of calories, junk food is not the best way to gain weight. To guarantee that you're gaining weight in a healthy way, concentrate on nutrient-dense foods.

Ques2: How long will it take to see results?

Although every person's body is unique, if you follow a good diet plan and exercise routine, you can start to see benefits within just one week.

Ques3: Is it possible to gain weight without exercise?

While exercise can help build muscle mass and increase weight, it's still possible to gain weight without exercise by focusing on a healthy, calorie-dense diet.

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