5 Outer Quad Exercises for Stronger & Powerful Legs | Fitbyus

If you are looking for outer quad exercises for your legs. So that your thighs and legs become stronger. So, you are in right place. Here in this article, I will tell you 5 must-do outer quad exercises. So read this article complete carefully and understand these exercises.

outer quad exercises

Our legs have different muscles group, the quadriceps are very important muscles. The quadriceps have four different muscles and the quads are located on the thigh’s anterior (front), including the Vastus lateralis also known as the outer quadriceps.

The outer quad is the largest muscle in quadriceps. It also generates more power than other quadriceps heads. The outer quad helps you stabilize the thighs, hips, and kneecaps and to extend your knees. If you want to lift heavier weights in the gym then outer quad building creates more muscular legs which makes you able to lift heavy weights. Here are the 5 best outer quad exercises for powerful legs.

Outer Quad Exercises

1. Leg Press

2. Internal Rotation Leg Extension

3. Front Squat

4. Bulgarian Split Squat

5. Narrow Wall Sits

Leg Press

Leg Press is one of the most popular gym exercises to target legs. Leg Press engages the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves but foot placement decides which part takes more load. Put more emphasis on your quads by a narrow stance on the leg press.

When you perform new foot placement, it’s worth always keeping things light. It is important to make sure you are comfortable with the movement before adding more weight to the leg press machine. By adding leg press in outer quad workout you can achieve your leg goals.

Internal Rotation Leg Extension

Leg Extensions are one of the best isolating exercises to target the outer quad. Leg extensions do not target other body muscles (except outer quad). You emphasize the outer quad, by turning your toes in slightly (less than 45 degrees). To become a bodybuilder you should have a strong and big upper chest.

Start with a lighter load than normally lift in a standard leg extension because this can increase strain on the knee joint. If you still feel discomfort, skip internal toe rotation and do only standard leg extensions.

Front Squat

The front squat is a great variation of the traditional back squat exercise because it is more impactful. When you perform a front squat it involves y holding a barbell in front of your chest (which you’ll realize is directly above the quads when performing it).

front squat

This subtle change has a big impact on the distribution of weight in your body. Above your quad muscles with the bar in the front squat exercise, to lift you out of the squatting position, it forces your outer quad muscle to push down harder which is helpful for you.

Bulgarian Split Squat

While performing the Bulgarian split squat involves placing one foot behind you on an elevated surface, such as a bench, chair, or another suitable surface. This means that you are using one single leg instead of both two to power yourself up from the squat.

This position places more emphasis on the quads of the legs, as well as requires a good level of balance and stability to do it properly and for getting the benefits of this exercise. You can also add different equipment like (barbell, kettlebell, or dumbbells) to increase the difficulty.

Narrow Wall Sits

Wall sits is an isometric exercise which means the muscles are engaged while in a static position (i.e.
they are not moving) and this has many benefits. This differs from every other leg exercise which we explained in this article. The Wall sit is a very effective exercise, even you are not moving muscles.

In this exercise, the weight of your body will force the quads (and glutes, hamstrings, and calves) to activate. By having a training partner add weighted plates to your lap you can also add resistance to wall sits but if you want.


These exercises which we discuss in this article are very effective outer quad exercises. If you add these exercises to your routine workout then you can achieve your outer quad goals. But it is also very important to perform these exercises perfectly for good results. Understand all the exercises correctly before doing them to avoid injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How often should you train your outer quads?

You should be trained in outer quads at least twice per week for muscle maintenance in the body. You should do eight sets per week for better results. With eight sets per week, you will see strength and size are increasing.

Q2: What are the quad muscles outside?

Outer quad muscles are the muscles that connect your thigh with the knee cap. It is the largest and strongest muscle out of the five quad muscles.

Q3: What are the benefits of training my outer quads?

The outer quads muscles, also known as the vastus lateralis, are the largest and outermost muscle of your quadriceps in the legs. The outer quad ‘sweep’ from your outer hips forms a bow shape and stretches out down to the knee. By training your outer quads you can create fuller, rounder-looking upper legs. Additionally, you will be better at performing compound lower leg exercises like squats by strengthening your outer quads.

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